Which Breeds of Dogs Are Closest to the Wolf?
By Thomas Ochsner Dogs are descended from gray wolves. Dogs are not only considered man’s best friend, but scientists have long known that dogs are also man’s first friend. Dogs were the first domesticated animal. While the exact timeline of dog’s domestication is unknown, researchers at Durham University in England estimate that dogs were domesticated about 15,000 years ago. Canine Genetics According to Dr. Robert K. Wayne, a canid biologist and molecular geneticist at UCLA, modern dogs only differ from gray wolves by 0.2 percent of their DNA. This is a very small difference considering that, according to Dr. Robert K. Wayne, the wolves’ closest wild relative is the coyote, who differ from them genetically by 4 percent making dogs 20 times more closely related to wolves. While genetics clearly show the link between the gray wolf and modern dogs, thousands of years of crossbreeding make it difficult to place any one breed as being more wolf-like than another. C...